
On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 05:25:41PM -0300, Andre Luis Lopes wrote:
> Hi,
> This is my first post to this list. Gustavo Noronha da Silva
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) asked Michael Brammer to include me as the
> coordinator for brazilian portuguese (pt_BR) debconf templates
> translations. Luis Alberto Garcia Cipriano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> is the coordinator for package descriptions translations.
> I noticed that in the lastests versions of debconf from unstable Joey Hess
> said (in the package's changelog) that debconf-utils usage will be
> (or already is) deprecated in favour of po-debconf and, in fact, he's
> already using po-debconf with some packages (base-config, for example).
> I'm willing to ask brazilian translators for help to translate debconf
> templates but it would be nice if you could first tell me if there would
> be any problems with this change. Will this change (debconf-utils
> replaced by po-debconf) affect the effort for debconf templates ?
> Should I recommend brazilian portuguese translators to start translating
> templates using the current DDTP system ?

good question...

I write a mail some minutes ago to debian-boot about this task. 

IMHO debconf-utils and po-debconf don't make any problemes. And I like
ddtp to translate debconf and the other textes in the debian project. 

If Joey Hess don't have objections, I will patch the ddts to support
debconf templates the best way. 

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
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