On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 05:58:15PM -0500, Damon Butler wrote:
> > What kernel are you using?
> Using kernel 2.4.18. But I've tried standard "linux" and even "rescue" modes, 
> too. The result is the same.
> > Have you tried booting with video=vga16:off as an argument to the kernel
> > image?
> Actually, yes! I stumbled across it a day or two after I wrote you the 
> message, and now my video is fine. Can you explain why I require this option 
> when booting Debian but not when I was using SuSE or Mandrake?

I'm guessing, others should know better. For some reason, your screen or
graphics hardware doens't like the framebuffer used in the floppies. I
think that the only drawback of not using it is that you can't install
in other languages.

> Thanks for the follow-up. Much appreciated.

No problem :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer     http://www.debian.org/
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