On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 05:31:54PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen scribbled:
> * Jo Dillon 
> | Hi...I saw today that Debian is working on a new graphical installer,
> | probably gtkfb based. How wedded are you to that? I'm a former Trolltech
> | employee and one of the people who wrote Qt/Embedded; I might be interested
> | in writing/helping to write a Qt/E-based installer, if there's sufficient
> | interest in that.
> We are basing the installer around cdebconf, which can use any
> frontend: text, slang, gtkfb, corba, whatever.  Somebody just have to
> write it.  I think having both Qt and gtkfb frontends might be
> duplication of work, but if you'd like to do that: go ahead.  If it
> works well, the Qt frontend might be the default.
I'd like to work on the gtkfb frontend once I'm familiar enough with the
debian-installer code (I'm in the process of getting acquainted with it
right now).


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