ons 2003-03-05 klockan 22.35 skrev Denis Barbier:
> On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 07:40:32PM +0100, Martin Sjögren wrote:
> [...]
> > progress start (can still use this one, and it makes sense)
> > progress step <inc>  (or  progress set <val>)
> > progress info <info>
> > progress stop
> [...]
> The max value is missing:
>   progress set <val> <max>
> The 'set' method is IMO more easily manageable, but you guys are using it,
> so you know which one is better.

Why would you need max in the progress set command if you've got min and
max in progress start (okay I didn't write that, but I meant it)

> I also asked whether several progress bars could be displayed
> simultaneously.  IIRC answer was yes, so adding a label may be
> desirable:
>   progress start <label>
>   progress set <label> <inc> <max>
>   progress info <label> <info>
>   progress stop <label>

Hrrm, maybe. It could be tricky frontend-ish... In the text frontend for


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