Martin Sjögren wrote:
ons 2003-05-28 klockan 12.17 skrev Eric Valette:

Anyone tried it? Last time I downloaded a sid iso image, the installer was so broken that I did not manage to install something. Started a knoppix install to disk instead...

The installer is still in alpha (no, not even beta), that's why it's

Knoppix installer is not in beta : everyone makes nice comments on it...

BTW do the current work on boot not duplicate part of the work done in knoppix?

How old is knoppix?

Who care if it works better than d-i?

d-i has been in the works since 2000 as far as I
know, lying dormant at times. I don't know how Knoppix is designed, I
only looked briefly at the 350+ lines /linuxrc sh script. I don't know
where the hardware detection is, I don't know what the design is. Part
of the d-i design is to make it flexible, though, and I don't think a
350+ lines /linuxrc sh script is flexible.

The problem is exactly that : if you do not know *precisely* what other system are doing to make an install and try to re-invent the weel it will be hard to produce something more than alpha stage. Debian is a wonderfull linux system *once installed*. Look at past net available installation reviews : always the same comments from many people...

So I agree building a new installer is indeed very desirable but other distrib have addressed the problem already and at least should be evaluated to know why debian must do its own and to fix which issues.

Also note that this beast has to work on all of Debian's architectures,
how many archs does Knoppix support?

Feel free to enlighten me.

Just wanted to let you know that having no installer for sid is somewhat not really acceptable for people with a 56k modem...

-- eric

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