Hello everbody. I'm sure you're just aching to know how to help the
debian-installer project :-) so I thought I'd post a list of a few
things that I know we need help with. We probably need a lot more help
than I can think of right now, but feel free to reply to the mail and
add more things.

* There's a [1]bug list for d-i. Not all bugs in the list are d-i bugs,
since the page lists all the bugs in the corresponding source packages.

* We've been mainly using the [2]text frontend on the sarge test CDs for
a very simple reason. We are not sure which udebs might accidentally
print some interesting debug output to stderr. There's also a (IMNSHO,
since I wrote it) prettier [3]newt frontend, that has the drawback of
overwriting things a udeb prints. :) Thus, we need somebody or
preferrably somebodIES to go through all udebs and ensure that nothing
is ever ever ever printed to stdout or stderr. Relevant error messages
should be presented with debconf and a lot of things should probably be
logged. This doesn't require much expertise in the d-i design and may be
a good way to get started with d-i. (random idea, maybe a
libdebconf-errno would be neat?)

* Testing. Testing. Testing. Do you have arcane hardware that we can
test d-i on? Terrific! Do you have general comments on the interface?
Terrific! Note, however that I will not listen to comments like
"text-based installers suck, you should have a GUI installer, why don't
you have a GUI installer yet?"

* We have a terrible lack of usb and pcmcia support. A lot of work is
needed here. Can't tell you more about this, since I know basically
nothing about it.

* There's of course the [4]porting...

* Some people have been talking about a d-i [5]homepage. I dunno what
should be on it, but maybe someone feels like working on this...

* base-installer/debootstrap needs a proper progress bar, I intend to
work on this, even if it means chaining aj to a chair to make him help

* The network configuration stuff is something of a mess, really. dhcp
should be much smoother, and should really hostname configuration be in

* I intend to hack a lot on cdebconf. There are plenty of fixed-size
buffers all over the code, that I will need help to eliminate. Die,
fixed-size buffers, DIE!

Well, that's what I could think of from the top of my head. There is
more things to do, that we'll think of later. :)

[1] http://bugs.qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/debian-installer.cgi?full=yes
[2] http://people.debian.org/~sjogren/d-i/screenshots/2003-02-16/text/
[3] http://people.debian.org/~sjogren/d-i/screenshots/2003-07-13/newt/
[4] http://people.debian.org/~pere/debian-installer/ports-status.html
[5] http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot-0307/msg00048.html

Martin Sjögren
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
  let hello = "hello" : hello in putStr (unlines hello)

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