On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:05:20PM +0100, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> Am Die, den 16.12.2003 schrieb Sven Luther um 10:36:
> > Indeed we are ?
> > 
> > Joeyh, what do you think of the powerpc kernel issue, if the plan is
> > still have a beta2 in 18 days, and nothing happens in this week about
> > the powerpc kernel hold hostage in the NEW queue, i will upload a
> > version of the powerpc kernel on friday which works on my box, that is
> > which will contain the chrp kernel, and not the newworld pmac one.
> Please don't do that. IMO this would be very bad DD behaviour as this

Yep, i know. Not worse than the current treatment though.

Also, consider, that i cannot test the packages currently in the
archive, since i don't own pmac hardware, and can't thus in concience
not declare releasable the package currently in the archive and which i
have no way of testing.

Furthermore, these packages contain the local root exploit, and there is
no way i will let the beta2 be released with them. Also, joeyh doesn't
seem to care, and don't even mention this problem when making status
updates and such, my mails to ftp-masters go unanswered since more than
a month, and aj, who is also a ftp-master if i am not wrong, denied on
irc having knowledge of it. elmo on the other hand had not the time to
respond to me and tell me what he reproaches to my packages, but has
time to make comments to joeyh behind my back.

> would break all current installs of your package (they are all
> powermacs). This can not be justified with your situation as the ones
> affected by this breakage would be your users and they are in no way
> responsible for the current situation.

Sure, but at least i will be able to test it, and the users in question
would fill bug reports, which i could tag d-i and RC, instead of
everyone just plainly ignoring the problem and making as if nothing did

> You have to find a way to handle this without harming your users. 

There is no way. The only way to change this is for the ftp-masters to
take their responsabilities, and at least respond to me with some
information on how i can fix their concerns. This has not happened, and
for all i know, the ftp-masters are MIA or something. Or maybe i am
still in elmo's killfile and he doesn't read emails from me or

And if myself alone, am considered as a second zone DD, not worth of at
least a reply to a serious email concerning this matter, i need the
support of the other powerpc users on that, and that something happens.

It is really sad that this kind of thing can only advance with public
rants and threats, but this seems to be the way things work in debian. I
guess i will be voting for Branden in next year's DPL election after

> > At least some discussion need to happen on this, i am sick of the
> > current situation.
> > 
> > And even worse, the current powerpc kernel still contains the local root
> > exploit, while the version in the NEW queue contains the fixed version.
> I can in part understand your anger. But I don't think that the way you
> are dealing with it will work. Probably debian-boot is not the right

No way to deal with it will work. So i need to take extreme measures for
things to happen, and not just be greated by this wall of silence i am
faced with until now. 

> list to discuss your problem, because it's not really debian-boot
> related (although it would help d-i development if the package would be

Well, joeyh wants a new beta2 to be released on december 28. What do you
think will happen, either there will be no powerpc support, or we will
release a beta installer containing a kernel with a known local root
exploit. This is unacceptable. This is also well a debian-boot issue,
which is way i included joeyh personnaly as recipient of the email.

Also, i see it already happening, on the eve of christmas, my package
will be entering the archive, and instead of passing nice christmas with
our family we will be hurrying to fixing things in order for it to be
ready for the december 28 date.

So, joeyh, please, if there is not something happening on this front
quickly, consider one of these courses of action :

  1) drop support for powerpc in the beta2 (and explain why).

  2) postpone the beta2 date to something more realistic with the (lack
     of) schedule of the ftp-masters. In particular not a date which
     will force us to pass christmas doing package work while we could
     have done it anytime in this past month and half or so.

> accepted). I'm not sure, but I think there has not been any processing
> of new packages since the compromise. This would at least explain why
> your package is not processed now. 

Sure, but this is no excuse. I have seen aj in irc, and he told me he
was not busy with the compromise, but denied knowing about the problem,
altough he should have two emails from me in his Inbox about it. So
clearly, not all ftp-masters are busy with it, and furthermore, the
package was in the archive for at least 2-3 weeks prior to the
compromise, so.

Furthermore. This is the powerpc _kernel_ package, which is one of the
reason the compromise happened anyway, and there is no way for me to get
a fixed package in the archive since the ftp-masters are boycotting me. 

And when herbert asked me to prepare a woody security update of the
packages i am not even the official maintainer on friday evening, i
canceled some other engagement i had for the weekend and worked on it to
make sure there is a fixed package for the DSA on monday, even if had to
build a woody chroot to build it, and the package was in such a sorry
state that it even FTBFS. So why should something be expected from me,
while i cannot even get a simple response from the ftp-masters, and
seems to be treated with only contempt by them ?


Sven Luther

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