On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 09:14:37AM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> The doc/translations.txt file is more or less becoming a kind of
> "Debian installer translation micro-HOWTO".
> Below is the current contents of this file. Feel free to comment. 
> I've received a mail from Martin Michlmayr asking about a place where
> to point people offering help for translations. IMHO, this document
> could be a good start and could be posted to -i18n and -devel, but
> some proofreading is probably needed before.
> =============================================================================
> Some clues for translators
> ==========================
> When starting to translate debian-installer, you should first make
> sure to get your language choice included, then translate the core
> udebs, next translate the common udebs, and finally complete the rest
> of the udebs.  The second stage installer should also be translated,
> but it consists of normal deb-packages, and not udebs.
> Suggested translation order:
> -languagechooser
> -common udebs
> -supported architectures udebs
> -second stage
> -future architectures udebs

 How can translators their language choice included?
 How can they see it all ready exists?
 How do they get potfiles?

> You may send your translations as bug reports against the given
> packages.  The packages names are the last part of the lines below
> (for instance, "languagechooser" for tools/languagechooser).
> Some packages have different names which are mentioned when needed.
> For bug reports, please use the "d-i" tag.
> You may also send the translations to the debian-boot mailing list.
> Please use [INTL] [xx] in Subjects where xx is your language code
> (xx_yy for some languages such as brazilian portuguese).
> If you have CVS write access, don't forget to update changelogs and
> remember: changelog files use UTF-8!! The debian-installer CVS is hosted on
> alioth.debian.org ("debian-installer" and "base-config" projects).
> For getting up-to-date files for your language and know the
> translation status for the d-i core packages, use the following URL:
> http://people.debian.org/~barbier/d-i/l10n/
> If a translation team exists for your language, WORK WITH THEM. First
> check the debian-l10n-xxxxx mailing list where xxxxx is your language
> name in english (e.g. debian-l10n-polish, debian-l10n-portuguese...).
> For general translation issues or for finding other translators for
> your language, you may also use the debian-i18n mailing list (don't
> post translations there, however).
> -------------
>  Language choice 
>  ---------------
>  tools/languagechooser
>  Core udebs
>  ----------
>  tools/cdebconf
>  anna
>  main-menu
>  tools/kbd-chooser
>  tools/base-installer
>  tools/prebaseconfig
>  utils (package: di-utils)
>  Common udebs
>  ------------
>  tools/ddetect
>  tools/cdrom-detect
>  retriever/cdrom (cdrom-retriever)
>  retriever/floppy (floppy-retriever)
>  tools/netcfg
>  retriever/net (net-retriever)
>  retriever/choose-mirror
>  tools/cdrom-checker
>  tools/iso-scan
>  tools/bugreporter-udeb
>  tools/partitioner
>  tools/partconf
>  tools/baseconfig-udeb
>  tools/lvmcfg
>  tools/autopartkit
>  Architecture-dependent udebs
>  ----------------------------
>  1) Already supported architectures
   1) Already supported architecture specific tools
>   tools/grub-installer
>   tools/lilo-installer
>   tools/mips/arcboot-installer
>   tools/yaboot-installer
>  2) Will be supported soon/in the future
>  ---------------------------------------
>   tools/aboot-installer
>   tools/ia64/elilo-installer
>   tools/hppa/palo-installer
>   tools/sparc/silo-installer
>   tools/s390/netdevice
>   tools/s390/dasd
>  Second stage
>  ------------

   Second stage is about installer components that are retrieved
   after some selections.

(Tell to translators what the second stage is)

>  (some of these packages  do not only need debconf-type translation, but
>  also program translation)
>  Except for base-config, translations MUST be reported as wishlist bugs
>  against these packages.

Change into

   Translations must be reported as wishlist bugs against these packages.
   Base-config is an exception because ......(elaborate or skip 'because')
   you report bugs here with severity normal.

>  base-config (debconf)
>  shadow (debconf+programs)
>  console-data (debconf)
>  discover (debconf)
>  tasksel (debconf)
>  aptitude (programs)
>  dselect (programs)
>  apt (programs)
>  dpkg (programs)
>  exim4-config (debconf)
> This guide is supposed to be be a first start for translators.  There
> are probably errors, and some packages we forgot.  Please add them if
> you discover such packages, and fix it if you find errors.
>   Petter Reinholdtsen, 2003-11-08
>   Christian Perrier, 2003-12-20 (updated packages list and more information)
> -- 

Geert Stappers

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