I cannot start debian installer over the network using the 2003-12-30

My pxeconfig for this is:
   LABEL Sarge
      KERNEL vmlinuz.sarge.i386
      APPEND load initrd=netboot-initrd.sarge.i386.gz devfs=nomount ramdisk_size=8192 
root=/dev/ram0 console=tty0 video=aty128fb

I have added sarge.i386 to the names to distinguish them from other
files, but they are copied straight from

The kernel boots, but then stops with 
   Warning: unable to open an initial console
   Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init.
and the caps lock and scroll lock are flashing.

I have tried with and without console=, video=, root= and devfs options.

I have got woody installed on the machine. BTW the computer is a
Compaq Deskpro EN Small Form Factor.



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