Changes in libdebian-installer 0.18:
* Fix of #215448,
* Fix of #219902,
* Fix of improper termination of argv array in control file execution,
* Enable Subarchitecture match,
* Reorganize lists destroy,
* Add udebs and another lib which may hold functions for stage 1.

New symbols according to the version script:
* di_exec_mangle_status (was inline but gcc refused to inline them)
* di_exec_prepare_chdir
* di_log (was mapped to di_log_real_4_0)
* di_slist_destroy
* di_system_package_check_subarchitecture

This update is a precondition for HEAD anna and main-menu and proper
powerpc != newworld support.

It would seem that evil retreats when forcibly confronted.
                -- Yarnek of Excalbia, "The Savage Curtain", stardate 5906.5

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