Steve Haavik wrote:
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, David MacQuigg wrote:

I would like a simple procedure to make a bootable CD out of this image
file, preferably one that will work from a bare-minimum Linux system ( or
even from Windows XP, if that is at all possible ).  Thanks for your help.

Suggestions for recording the image using linux are at although the example
commandline they give looks overly complicated. Instructions for doing it
under Windows are there also. Cdrecord should be on the Knoppix cd (at
least I seem to remember burning disks using it...)

On my Windows XP box all I have to do is double click on the ISO and
Easy-CD Creator starts. Under Linux I use cdrecord. The exact command line
I use for it is "cdrecord -v -eject dev=0,0,0 filename.iso". You can use
"cdrecord -scanbus" to findout what device number you should be using for
the dev= option.

I would add to this web page that Knoppix includes hardware autodetection before optional hard disk intallation

I would include Knoppix in the official Debian CD ( like complementary).


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