Below is a tab-separated list with a
detailed status of d-i translations as of this morning.

Attached is the same file in CSV format (for OpenOffice import).

I added to the usual percentages you may find on Denis Barbier status
pages, some data about additionnal packages:

-po-debconf translations for
 -console-data (keyboard names used by kbd-config)
 -discover (templates probably useless in d-i, however)
 -exim4 (2nd stage configuration)
 -popularity-contest (templates show up when installing a base system
                      at high priority)
 -shadow (password setting)

-po translations (this means program output translation)
 -newt (buttons Yes/No/Cancel/Back on all screens)

You may see that, even for languages which have reached 100%, some
work remain to be done.

Translators, please try to make these translations as they will lower
the english output for a base system install.

Some of the missing or incomplete translations are indeed waiting in
the BTS. The most important concerns are:

-shadow package-->several translations are waiting for an upload. I'm 
 considering a NMU for this
-dpkg-->translations do not seem to be included very quickly

    lang    % consistency console-data discover"        "exim4" "popularity-contest"   
 "shadow"        "apt"   "aptitude"      "dpkg"  "newt
 1 zh_CN 100%                     100% 0%       100%    0%      0%      81%     0%     
 0%      100%
10    sq 100%                       0% 0%       0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      0%
 3 pt_BR 100%                     100% 100%     100%    66%     88%     100%    92%    
 99%     100%
18    pl 100%                       0% 0%       0%      0%      81%     98%     62%    
 95%     100%
 4    lt 100%                       0% 0%       0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      100%
 5    ja 100%                     100% 100%     100%    100%    88%     97%     4%     
 94%     100%
 6    hu 100%                     100% 0%       0%      0%      0%      81%     0%     
 0%      100%
 7    fr 100%                     100% 100%     100%    100%    100%    100%    15%    
 99%     100%
17    fi 100%                      98% 100%     100%    0%      0%      0%      66%    
 0%      100%
 8    el 100%                     100% 100%     100%    0%      0%      100%    0%     
 0%      100%
12    cs 100%                      98% 100%     100%    0%      0%      100%    99%    
 79%     100%
 2    uk  99%                       0% 0%       0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      100%
11    sk  99%                       0% 0%       0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      0%
13    nl  99%                     100% 100%     100%    100%    88%     100%    0%     
 95%     100%
15    da  99%                      98% 0%       100%    100%    88%     100%    68%    
 99%     100%
 9    ca  99%                      98%  0%      0%      100%    100%    0%      100%   
25    es  96%                      98% 0%       100%    0%              100%    92%    
 95%     100%
14    de  96%                      98% 0%       100%    66%     77%     100%    0%     
 99%     100%
16    pt  93%                                                                          
21    nn  93%                                                                          
19    ru  91%                                                                          
20    bs  91%                                                                          
22    it  86%                                                                          
23    ko  80%                                                                          
24    sv  78%                                                                          
26    bg  77%                                                                          
31 zh_TW  74%                                                                          
27    ar  74%                                                                          
28    tr  72%                                                                          
30    sl  71%                                                                          
29    nb  68%                                                                          
32    gl   5%                                                                          
33    ga   5%                                                                          
34    en   4%                                                                          
35    fa   3%                                                                          
36    se   2%                                                                          
37    lv   2%                                                                          
38    he   1%                                                                          

        "lang"  "%"     "consistency"   "console-data"  "discover"      "exim4" 
"popularity-contest"    "shadow"        "apt"   "aptitude"      "dpkg"  "newt"
1       "zh_CN" 100%            100%    0%      100%    0%      0%      81%     0%     
 0%      100%
10      "sq"    100%            0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      0%
3       "pt_BR" 100%            100%    100%    100%    66%     88%     100%    92%    
 99%     100%
18      "pl"    100%            0%      0%      0%      0%      81%     98%     62%    
 95%     100%
4       "lt"    100%            0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      100%
5       "ja"    100%            100%    100%    100%    100%    88%     97%     4%     
 94%     100%
6       "hu"    100%            100%    0%      0%      0%      0%      81%     0%     
 0%      100%
7       "fr"    100%            100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    15%    
 99%     100%
17      "fi"    100%            98%     100%    100%    0%      0%      0%      66%    
 0%      100%
8       "el"    100%            100%    100%    100%    0%      0%      100%    0%     
 0%      100%
12      "cs"    100%            98%     100%    100%    0%      0%      100%    99%    
 79%     100%
2       "uk"    99%             0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      100%
11      "sk"    99%             0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%      0%     
 0%      0%
13      "nl"    99%             100%    100%    100%    100%    88%     100%    0%     
 95%     100%
15      "da"    99%             98%     0%      100%    100%    88%     100%    68%    
 99%     100%
9       "ca"    99%             98%             0%      0%      100%    100%    0%     
 100%    100%
25      "es"    96%             98%     0%      100%    0%              100%    92%    
 95%     100%
14      "de"    96%             98%     0%      100%    66%     77%     100%    0%     
 99%     100%
16      "pt"    93%                                                                    
21      "nn"    93%                                                                    
19      "ru"    91%                                                                    
20      "bs"    91%                                                                    
22      "it"    86%                                                                    
23      "ko"    80%                                                                    
24      "sv"    78%                                                                    
26      "bg"    77%                                                                    
31      "zh_TW" 74%                                                                    
27      "ar"    74%                                                                    
28      "tr"    72%                                                                    
30      "sl"    71%                                                                    
29      "nb"    68%                                                                    
32      "gl"    5%                                                                     
33      "ga"    5%                                                                     
34      "en"    4%                                                                     
35      "fa"    3%                                                                     
36      "se"    2%                                                                     
37      "lv"    2%                                                                     
38      "he"    1%                                                                     

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