[ Ccing to Alwin Meschede and Thorsten Sauter were involved in this
translation. Note that depsite my last name, I do not speak German. ]

Christian Gatzemeier wrote:
> Wanted to quit d-i in main menu so I chose "finish install and restart" 
> (retranslated 
> from german) but what it did was more to go through with the install and then 
> restart.
> Please be sharper already in the english expressions. Even if it may not sound that 
> ambiguous in english, translation results unecesserary hard.
> Possible Alternative:
> "Actually Aply Choices / Copy Files"
> "Exit Installer and restart"

The English text is "Finish the installation and reboot". If this was
translated as something like "restart", it's wrong. I don't know what
connotation "neustarten" has.

I've changed the English text to "Finish the installation", since it
might not be clear what rebooting has to do with this anyway.

see shy jo

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