Package: installation-reports


  April 17, 1004 - boot floppy images from
uname -a: 
  Linux debian 2.4.25-powerpc #1 ven mar 19 19:29:26 CET 2004 ppc
  Sun Apr 18 02:32:15 EDT 2004
  How did you install?
    Boot from boot floppy with root floppy and net-drivers floppy
  What did you boot off?
    floppy disk
  If network install, from where?

Machine: Apple Power Macintosh G3 beige mini-tower.
Processor: G3
Memory: 384MB
Root Device: IDE hard disk
Root Size/partition table:  10 GB
Output of lspci:

  pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices
  0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Motorola MPC106 [Grackle] (rev 40)
  0000:00:10.0 Class ff00: Apple Computer Inc. Heathrow Mac I/O (rev 01)
  0000:00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage
I/II 215GT [Mach64 GT] (rev 9a)

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [o] however, see notes 1&2 below
Configure network HW:   [o] see notes 3&4
Config network:         [o] see note 5
Detect CD:              [ ]
Load installer modules: [e] see note 4
Detect hard drives:     [o]
Partition hard drives:  [o]
Create file systems:    [o]
Mount partitions:       [o]
Install base system:    [e] see note 6
Install boot loader:    [e] see note 7
Reboot:                 [e] see note 8

  After the reboot, it still wanted to install the "powerpc-small"
  kernel.  It complained that I didn't have an initrd configured
  (mainly because this is an oldworld machine, and I use BootX as a
  boot loader, so there was no boot loader configured.

  I didn't want the "small" kernel anyway, mainly because of the
"initrd" issue,
  so I told it to "stop now".

  As a result, it complained about one or more steps aborting, and
  asked me if I wanted to try again.  I said go ahead, and this time
  it gave me a bunch of options for which kernel I wanted to install.
  Presumably this is because it dropped priority to medium as a result
  of the error.  In any case, I chose
  kernel-image-2.4.25-powerpc-pmac, which doesn't need an initrd for
  my hardware config.

  This time it wasn't concerned about an initrd, but it was upset that
  I didn't install a boot loader, telling me that I should boot by
  hand from /dev/hdc10, which I knew already.


<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>

1) It automatically ejected the boot floppy when asking for the root
floppy.  Thanks for that, whoever put that patch in.  However, when
calling for the drivers floppy, it did not eject the root floppy.  I
had to use the paper-clip trick to eject it so I could insert the
net-drivers floppy.  It really should eject the root floppy
automatically when it's done using it.

2) Select a keyboard layout failed.  I have a Mac ADB keyboard, but I
had to manually lie and say I had a USB keyboard to get it to

3) I had to manually chose the BMAC ethernet controller. 

4) I don't have an airport network card on this machine, so I omitted
that driver when it asked which drivers I wanted to install from the
drivers floppy.  Later on, modprobe failed attempting to install the
missing airport driver.

5) There really *should* be a way to specify the install priority
early-on in the process -- but booting from floppies does not allow
any such thing.  As a consequence, it assumed DHCP as the method for
getting its network configuration.  I prefer to do a manual network
config, personally, since it gives me a predictable IP address.

6) It errored attempting to install the "powerpc-small" kernel, due to
the need for an initrd with that kernel.  (See note above about
choosing a kernel after the reboot.)  If there were some way to tell
it to use priority=medium early on in the install from floppy process,
this could have been avoided.

7) I chose "continue without boot loader" and it tried to re-install
everything it had installed before.  That quickly failed.  So I went
back and re-ran the disk partitioner.  This time, due to the priority
being reset to medium by the previous error, I was able to tell it
"continue without boot loader" immediately after the disk partitioning
step.  That worked.

8) It complained about not having a boot loader, and reminded me that
I needed to boot manually from /dev/hdc10.  I did so, using BootX from

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