> >     /-----------------------[Choose area]------------------------\
> >     | Based on your language, you are probably in one of these   |
> >     | areas.  If you are elsewhere, choose "other".              |
> This is a good suggestion though I fear a bit that the main menu would
> then become a bit cryptic
> Choose language
> Choose area
> .../...

Sounds better.

> "The list below is based on official ISO-3166 country or area
> names. Debian is not responsible for these names assignments. Please
> refer to (ISO-3166 FAQ URL) for details about ISO-3166 entries."

The only critic about this ISO definition is that it does not make a clear 
difference between traditionnal Chinese and simplified Chinese.

I assume that a Chinese from Continental China may be interested in choosing 
traditionnal Chinese (as spoken in Taiwan)... Why not?


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