On Mon, May 31, 2004 at 09:35:17AM -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> The only way it's going to work is if the kernels are less than 3.4Megs
> uncompressed. This is probably fine for cd boots though.

ergh. I might be just getting in under the gun.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot$ zcat vmlinuz-2.4.26-sparc64 > vmlinux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/boot$ du vmlinux
3523    vmlinux

Or maybe not. But it's easy to trim the kernel images down, especially
for sparc64. I think.

> GOod thing is, I have time today for some sparc stuff. Well, that is, if
> I don't get my Harley Fatboy today. Even if I do, I will work in some
> debug time for this initrd problem :)


Back to Biology...

Joshua Kwan

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