On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 01:39:55PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> The console fix, certainly; otherwise lack of regressions would be a
> good thing to test :-)

Console fix works, no obvious regression noted, but (maybe I was
looking more closely) many small things. Items starting with a star
are *not* reported elsewhere, otherwise I put something in brackets
where I am going to report it. Before I start: It was really nice and
painless install, including my previous install nicly in yaboot (and
leaving it untouched). So if you want me to do further test installs,
I can try to do some more in this partition(s), but at the most one a
week. Also I chose german as language, therefore menu titles are
manually translated back and might not match the english version

* At the initial yaboot choice, there are a great many install options
  available (I chose expert-safe), a better sorting would be nice
  though, if possible, e.g. the default first, the remainding by
  alphabet or e.g. by functionality.

* The sorting of the countries appears to be done according to the
  english names, which is confusing if I read the german ones, e.g.

  Armenien, Österreich, Aserbaidschan, Weißrussland, Belgien, ...

* I have only the option of choosing USB-keyboard (which works nicly),
  why do I have to go through the "choice" ?? (Previously there was
  also a mac-keyboard, but that option is gone)

* In keyboard layout I see »Deutsch« (German) twice (I chose the one
  already selected), also there is an entry »Europäisch« (European)
  which is not clear for me.

* I got several time the message, that d-i was unable to load e.g.
  sungem, ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, ide-generic, ide-disk,
  ide-cd. HD, CD and network access worked flawlessly, though.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Spelling error in "Network
 -der rechte Teil Ihrer Internetadresse nach Ihren Rechnernamen
 +der rechte Teil Ihrer Internetadresse nach Ihrem Rechnernamen

* I was asked several times for the missing floppy module (my ibook
  does not have a floppy), and then the module list (see above)
  appared. Maybe the answer to this question can be stored somewhere?

* In the partitioning hard disk menu I can position the selection bar
  on empty lines. I did not try actually selecting them, but IMHO they
  should be skipped (or something did not print, but I did not note
  missing functionality-entries)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Spelling error in "Partitioning
  -Anlegen der Partition beendet
  +Anlegen der Partition beenden 

* I finished partitioning, and was asked if I wanted to really write
  the changes. I said back, and went to the main screen, not the
  partitionig screen, as I wanted. So I had to redo the partitioning.

* When I run the partitiong the second time, it suggested /home as
  mount point for the first partitioned partition. This was also the
  suggestion on the *second* partition in the first run. Probably some
  counter not reset?

* I wanted to write no file system on my second partition, because I
  then wanted to install lvm (which I did not do). It is not clear, if I
  should go through the lvm menu first (which tells me it will write
  the partition table) or create a partition for lvm with the "normal"
  menu entries first. I definitly have to create / first. 

* In the LVM menu, I could active existing PV (from my primary
  install), or in the next screen modify PV/LV. Since I was unsure
  what this would do to my previous/primary install, I did not attempt
  lvm further.

* Great! My previous install (including all yaboot-entries) and MacOSX
  was automatically added to the possible boot selections.

* Reboot, and proper display. Great!

[timezone-conf] Wrong german quotes

[timezone-conf] »Europe/Berlin« --> »Europa/Berlin« (Translation

[timezone-conf] Possibly translate »Setup«

* Password-setup (which packet??)
  ->Account not translated, although later »Konto« is used in exim

  ->Error in translation:
    -statt dem Root-Account
    +statt des Root-Accounts

  ->Should mention maximum length of user name (8 characters)

  ->Menu titles do not look translated (contrary to other screens)

* Machine name asked for again (actually confirmed). Is this

[apt] Error in translation:
  -Standard Debian Tools
  +Standard Debian-Werkzeugen

[apt] Error in translation (many times)

[apt] Incomplete menu entry, starts with:
  . Dennoch möchten Sie vielleicht weitere Apt-Quellen hinzufügen, damit...
* I selected testing (actually twice, once in d-i, once here), but
  apt-configuration asks if I want to add security.debian.org. IMHO
  this leads to a false sense of security for the user. Instead of
  asking this, I should be informed about the missing security support
  in testing. 

* After selecting to use security.debian.org, I saw a message on the
  screen (white on black, no dialog, plain stdout) saying:
  Aktualisiere "available" Datei
  Here the wrong quotes are used " --> » and «

* When choosing how to select packages, all menu entries are
  impersonal, except the last one. I don't know if this is a
  translation error, but "You" (»Sie«) is only used in the last entry.
  It should read 
  run apt-get or any of the above later


  You can run apt-get or any of the above later

* I chose to not install any packages, but when I said "Install
  selected packages" it installed popularity contest. This, IMHO
  should not happen (think of a server machine with minimal packages.
  I know, I can deinstall, but why is it *selected* without

[popularity-contest] Translation errors:
  Sie können .. schicken lassen mit Statistiken .. . => Sie können ...  .. schicken 

  -beispielsweise, zu entscheiden welche
  +beispielsweise zu entscheiden, welche

[exim4] *Many* errors in the german translation (I stopped noting down
  after 11 errors)

* In the end I was told that I can run base-config any time to go
  through the menues again, but was not told how to (yes, *I* know,
  but the information should be given nevertheless)

Hope this helps.

Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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