Colin Watson wrote:
> Judging from the size of /dev/hda3, this is the df-on->=100GB problem,
> fixed in trunk by Martin Michlmayr but not released. I've just uploaded
> yaboot-installer 0.0.26 containing this fix; a test install in a few
> days would be appreciated, as my PowerBook doesn't have a disk big
> enough to test this myself.

tbm's patch to several bootloader installers is broken. I told him about
this on irc at the time, but it seems he never followed up on it.

findfs () {
    mount | grep "on /target$1 " | cut -d' ' -f1

rootdev="$(findfs /)"
[ "$rootdev" ] || die yaboot-installer/noroot 'No root partition found'

The rootdev call to findfs will fail, because there is no "on /target/" in
mount output; mount does not include trailing slashes in filesystem names.

see shy jo

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