Hi folks,

I'm still trying my hardest to migrate to Debian from Red Hat, and so i
bought two new Western Digital 200 Gb SATA hard disks.  My goal is to
set them up as a software RAID 1 set.  Unfortunately, i've had two
problems so far.

Firstly, it doesn't seem possible to use the partitioning scheme i'd
prefer, which is a small (e.g. 200-500 Mb) /boot, largish (e.g. 4 Gb)
swap, and the remainder of the drive in /.  (This is the scheme that's
always worked well for me under Red Hat/Fedora.)  Is that correct?

Secondly, whenever i try to set up RAID devices, as soon as the first
one is made, the system hangs.  It's not that it's just slow because
it's syncing the mirror - its actually hung.  Switching VCs doesn't
work, neither does caps/num lock.  It locks up *hard*.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what i can try to get this
install working?  I have used the sarge TC1 netinst CD, as well as the
latest (20040705) snapshot.  I've also tried just installing to one SATA
drive, with the same result.  Fedora Core 2 installs perfectly on these
drives in my preferred RAID/partitioning scheme.

The motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-7N400Pro (NVIDIA nForce chipset), the
HDs are model WD2000JD.  The board has an SiI3112 SATA RAID controller
(in standard SATA mode, not RAID), an ITE IT8212X ATA RAID controller
(disabled during these tests - currently running my RH9 installation in
hardware RAID 1), 2 x RTL8139 NICs, and all the usual onboard I/O.  My
'lspci -v' output from RH9 is attached.  The sarge installer doesn't
seem to have lspci or hdparm available in the shell. :-(

As a possible workaround, can i get sarge to just use the partitions
i've already set up and not try to recreate the md devices?  That way i
could do a minimal install on FC2, then delete all the files and
reinstall over the top with Debian.

Thanks in advance,
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