New information:

When starting the shell, it claims that hard disks are mounted under /target. But such 
a directory does not exist.

The hard disk is detected - but under /dev/discs/disc0/disc. Issuing ln -s 
/dev/discs/disc0/disc /dev/hda makes fdisk recognize the partition table. But the 
partitioner still does not find it, and I do not know how to fix this from the shell. 
To proceed with the installation, I have to format the new Debian partition and set 
mountpoints- but how do I do this without the partitioner?

I appreciate any hint on how to install Sarge on this system, but without help I give 
up for the moment concluding that the installer is not mature yet. :(


GN Otometrics -- Hortmann       
Dipl.Phys. Dr. Matthias Zenker
Entwicklung / Development
Auchtertstraße 4, D-72770 Reutlingen
Tel. ++49(0)7121/99435-60, Fax -79
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          

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