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On Thursday 16 September 2004 13:30, Joost van Baal wrote:
> I've typeset the installer manual in PostScript and PDF, since I like to
> read big documents like this one from paper.  This required some
> hacking.  It'd be cool if a note on how to do this (like this bugreport)
> was shipped with the sources.  Or perhaps you'd like to ship a PDF with
> the .deb itself.  Anyway, this is what I did:

Hello Joost,

Thank you very much for working on this and providing us with a way to 
generate a PS/PDF version of the manual using free tools. Your timing is 
excellent as we are working towards the Sarge-release of d-i.
You can be sure we will use your information, probably by incorporating it 
in the standard build system so we can provide these versions standard 
alongside the html version.

I have one question for you.
Do you have any idea if it will be possible to use your method for other 
languages than English? I'm thinking especially of Japanese, and to a 
lesser degree Russian, Czech and Greek because of the different character 

I will probably work on this next week during the d-i devcamp in Oldenburg.

Thanks again,

Frans Pop
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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