Quoting Christian Perrier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > What is so special in these words ? If I'm correct, there is a shadda
> > in them (at least this is what I find in looking in an Unicode table :
> > U0651=="Arabic shadda") but trying with it alone did not trigger the
> > crash.
> Yet more progress.....
> There are indeed two shadda characters in this string
> Removing any of the two shaddas removes the case for the crash.
> Keeping the two shaddas with the character before and the character
> after for each make the script crashing (see out.crash).
> Removing ANY character in out.crash (including the space character!) 
> prevents it from crashing.

> #! /bin/sh
> /usr/bin/whiptail "--menu" "menu" "20" "33" "12" "--"  "??? ???" "" 

Another info.

The crash only happens when the current locale is a UTF-8 locale

export LC_ALL=C ; ./out --> no crash
export LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 ; ./out --> crash

(Steve tried with another UTF-8 locale and had the crash)

IF the locale is not UTF-8, the characters are not interpreted as
Arabic and thus the crash does not happen

Another info : Steve tried without libfribidi0 and the crash didn't happen


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