On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 12:13:56PM -0400, Ralph Crongeyer wrote:
> Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> >Hi Ralph
> >
> >In order to resolv the bug you reported on discover1, I need the output
> >of "discover --device cdrom". I suspect that this command is not working
> >on your machine. It should report the path to the device your cdrom is
> >connected to.
> >
> >Thanks Gaudenz
> > 
> >
> This is the output:
> lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
This is a kernel message and probably not related to the problem. The
output should be something like /dev/hdc or /dev/sdc0.

Please tell me too, what kind of CDROM drive this is (IDE, SCSI, USB,
FireWire, ..) and what device you use to mount the cdrom (something like
/dev/hdc, /dev/scd0, ...).

Thanks Gaudenz

> Thanks
> Ralph 

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