Package: installation-reports

uname -a: <The result of running uname -a on a shell prompt>
Date: <Linux>
Method: <from CD-ROM?>

Machine: <Compaq Armada 1750 Laptop>
Processor: Pentium II
Memory: 192
Root Device: <IDE /dev/hda8>
Root Size/partition table: <

/target/dev/hda1    16   599   294336 83 Linux :/boot
/target/dev/hda2   600  1935   673344 82 Linus :(Swap)
/target/dev/hda3  1936 19302  8752968  5 Extended
/target/dev/hda4     1    15     7528 12 Compaq diagnostics
/target/dev/hda5  7756  9690   975208 83 Linux :/var
/target/dev/hda6  9691 15510  2933248 83 Linux :/home
/target/dev/hda7 15511 19302  1911136 83 Linux :/usr
/target/dev/hda8  1936  4648  1367289 83 Linux :/
/target/dev/hda9  4649  7755  1565896 83 Linux :/tmp/>
Output of lspci and lspci -n: not avalaible

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [O ]
Configure network HW:   [O ]
Config network:         [O ]
Detect CD:              [O ]
Load installer modules: [O ]
Detect hard drives:     [O ]
Partition hard drives:  [O ]
Create file systems:    [O ]
Mount partitions:       [O ]
Install base system:    [E ]
Install boot loader:    [ ]
Reboot:                 [ ]


debootstrap wurde mit einem fehler beendet (wert 1)

in console 3

ln :/target/usr/bin/awk: File exists
umount :/target/dev/pts: No such file or directory
umount :/target/dev/shm: No such file or directory
umount :/target/proc/bus/usb: Invalid argument

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