Package: installation-reports

Debian-installer-version: Debian GNU/Linux "Sarge" i386 DVD/ by Debian
uname -a: @.4.27-I-386 #1 FRI Sep 3 06:24:46 utc 2004 i686 GNU Linux
Date: <10/26/04?
Method: <defualt install? Boot from DVD

Machine: <on ASUS A7N8X w/ nvidia
Processor:AMD Athalon XP 2100+
Memory:1.25GB DDR2100
Root Device: <IDE Seagate 80GB  >
Root Size/partition table: Default desktop config>
Output of lspci and lspci -n: ?

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [ o]
Configure network HW:   [ o]
Config network:         [o ]
Detect CD:              [ o]
Load installer modules: [o ]
Detect hard drives:     [ o]
Partition hard drives:  [ o]
Create file systems:    [o ]
Mount partitions:       [o ]
Install base system:    [o ]
Install boot loader:    [o ] GRUB
Reboot:                 [ 0]

Comments/Problems: on boot up the system requests LOGON in text mode and will accept root or user logon and password but I can't /don't know how to get into KDE. Sorry but I am just lost as a newbie.

Please help

<Did the medium level quiestions selected KDE when asked.>

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