Package: installation-reports

Debian-installer-version: <Fill in date and from where you got the 
image>December 5,2004
uname -a: <The result of running uname -a on a shell prompt>success
Date: <Date and time of the install>December 5, 2004 1300hrs    
Method: <How did you install?  What did you boot off?  If network  Network 
Install.  No Proxies
      install, from where?  Proxied?>

Machine: <Description of machine (eg, IBM Thinkpad R32)>Aspect
Processor:P4 1.6Ghz
Root Device: <IDE? Ide SCSI?  Name of device?>hdb1
Root Size/partition table: <Feel free to paste the full partition/dev/hdb1 ext3 
6.4GB  /dev/hdb6 ext3 20.2GB
      table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.>Root /  home 
Output of lspci and lspci -n:

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
Initial boot worked:    [O]
Configure network HW:   [O]
Config network:         [O]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O]
Create file systems:    [O]
Mount partitions:       [O]
Install base system:    [O]
Install boot loader:    [O]
Reboot:                 [O]

Comments/Problems:This is the First Debian system I have actually got the X 
server to work the first time through.
I never could get the graphics resolutions for my monitor right with the Woody 
release.  With Sarge It did it it self
and so far Sarge is running Like a champ.  I have used many Linux Distros from 
Mandrake to Suse and Redhat, to Libranet
Xandros, and Mepis, now to Sarge.  I love it and plan on staying with Debian 
and The Sarge release.
Basically keep up the good work, and thank you for a great Distrobution.

<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>Downloaded net install ISO 
image, it worked perfectly on my 

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