also sprach Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.03.15.1512 +0100]:
> It seems that the project is splitting in two groups basically:
> The people that wants to work together and release Etch, and the
> people that with a reason or not wants to see it delayed. The
> minute after the release team announces that we're going to delay
> our next release, we will stop with these weird threads and keep
> arguing that we're all volunteers and are doing our best. oh, the
> humanity!
> I'm asking myself what's behind all that ? Ubuntu ? Probably no.
> Subconcious fear to delivery in time ? Probably yes. Stop thinking
> about who you're going to ask to be expelled next and spend some
> time considering not my words, but just Etch.

Thank you!

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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