Evening, all
[Please do forgive me if this is the wrong forum to ask this question.]

I'm attempting to install etch beta 2 and my initial, "do it all as
completely as possible" disk partitioning scheme resulted in (a) the
installer complaining and (b) a non-booting system.

Before I carry on and build the system up from a simpler scheme,
however, I thought I'd check that what I'm attempting is neither
unsupported nor currently broken. I'm aware of the.first beta 2
erratum, and that it might be the cause of my problem (b).

So, please could I ask this of any knowledgeable persons here present
- are the following two partitioning schemes achieveable

1) hda and hdc are both 80 gig Maxtors

hda1 and hdc1: RAID1 physical volumes, backing md0 (256 Mb)
hda2 and hdc2: RAID1 physical volumes, backing md1 (10Gb+)

md0: /boot
md1: /

2) Same as #1, except that md1 is specified as being an LVM physical
volume (for /, /var, /usr, etc.)

Should either, or both, of these schemes work?

Many thanks,
Don't anthropomorphize computers. They don't like it.

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