Frans Pop wrote:

I followed your suggestions and put the answers after your questions.
Thank you very much,
On Sunday 16 April 2006 15:02, proebst wrote:
I followed your suggestions and saved the /var/log/syslog file. Please
find attached the syslog.gz file.

Thanks for the log. It shows that base installation is failing because it 
cannot find the file /cdrom/.disk/base_installable.
This file should be present on any netinst and full Debian CD or DVD.

Some questions (please put your answers below the questions).
- If you run the installation, can you check if that file is present

This file is not on the DVD. Here is the list of files on the .disk directory:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -l /media/cdrom0/.disk
total 2
-r--r--r--  1 root root  5 2006-04-10 02:22 base_components
-r--r--r--  1 root root 76 2006-04-10 02:21 info
-r--r--r--  1 root root 17 2005-11-15 01:30 udeb_exclude
-r--r--r--  1 root root 52 2005-10-26 18:38 udeb_include

Because the file is not on the DVD I think trying again the installation
makes no sense.
  - Switch to VT2 after the scan of the CD is complete.
  - First do 'ls -l /cdrom'; you should see .disk listed.
  - Next do 'ls /cdrom/.disk/'; you should see base_installable listed.

- Exactly what image have you downloaded (please give the full URL,
  i.e. everything from "http://" to ".iso")?

The content of the info file is:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /media/cdrom0/.disk/info
Debian GNU/Linux testing "Etch" - Official Snapshot i386 Binary-1 (20060410)

- What method have you used for downloading it (download of the iso,
  jigdo, bittorrent)?
I used 
wget -r
- What software have you used to burn the image to CD/DVD?
I used xcdroast. I did a similar installation half a year ago and used the same procedure for 
burning and everything worked worked fine. 
- Have you remastered the CD/DVD in any way? 
No, I just wrote the iso image to DVD.

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