On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 11:39:01AM +0200, Giulio Canevari wrote:
> In data 31/05/2006 23:03 Hans Ekbrand ha scritto:
> >On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 09:53:50PM +0200, Giulio Canevari wrote:

[This is about an installation on a box with a broken CD, and non
working nic-configuration in the native OS (Mac OS 8.1). And no
floppy-drive, so the installer must be netbooted]

> >>I'm unable to partition the hd nor to fetch at least the base packages
> >>from the net with the internal modem with ppp, the installer seems to be
> >>targeted only at cdrom install.

partitioning the hd requires modules that is not included in the most
minimal initrd. I think the installer of that flavor (with the most minimal
initrd) is supposed to get the needed modules from the net (which IMHO
is a very cool property of d-i). However, my own experience with this
stems from boot-floppies of different flavors, not CDs.

Before anything can be fetched from the net, the nic must be
recognized. If the installer does not recognize your nic then I would
suspect one of the following:

A) wrong flavor used: (a initrd that has modules for different cd:s
   rather than different nics

B) a bug in the installer (the nic module for your particular nic
   should have been included in the initrd).

> >B. From where is the debian-installer to get its *own modules* (needed
> >for its own functioning)?
> >
> >1. From the removable media (CDROM or usb) that started the 
> >debian-installer at boot
> >2. From .iso-file on local harddisk (Filesystem must be readable by the 
> >debian-installer, which exludes HFS+) 3. From the net (internet or local 
> >debian-mirror) 
> ...
> >You control B by choosing what images you will use. I *think* any
> >image can be started in any of the tree ways outlined in A (thus
> >netboot does NOT imply a tftp boot).
> >
> >"Netboot" means B:3 
> >"Hd-media" means B:2
> >"Business" means B:1

That might very well be outdated info. From the description the
netinst link you give below business should be the right one (include
the nics-modules needed).

> >I think that you can choose C1 and C2 at install time (if you run the
> >installer at a low enough priority)
> ...
> >>Actually i have got the debian-businnesscard iso [ from wich i have took
> >>the kernel, yaboot and so on placed in /tftpboot ], 
> >
> >
> >I think that when you use the initrd from the businesscard flavor that
> >means B:1, so you will have to use a usb-stick to load parts of the
> >installer. Another strategy is to download an kernel+initrd from the
> On http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/ i read something like this ( i 
> translate it in poor english ):
> These images contain only the minimum necessary to boot the 
> installation, so only those part of the installer needed to configure 
> the net access so that you can download other components of the 
> installer system.

Yeah, that does sounds like what you need. Now, since you are
netbooting, everything needed must reside in the initrd (it doesn't
help if its on the business-image outside the initrd). Have you looked
on the cd and can you verify that there is no other needed files on
that cd than the initrd and the kernel.

> After having installed the very base system my idea is to perform an 
> apt-get upgrade and give the list of packages to download  to a friend 
> of mine with a fast connection.

Sure, but "the very base system" (the base system) is a lot more than
what is included in the initrd. So, you have to get the installer to
recognize your nic (and download the packages that makes up the base
system) in order to install the base system.

> This way:
> dpkg --get-selection >list.txt from my x86
> dpkg --set-selections <list.txt on imac
>  and i'll need a way to transfer this list, usb key or via net in some way.
> apt-get --print-uris -s dselect-upgrade
> And then, once i have got the packages, i'll try to install an ftp 
> server on my x86 to finish the install ( even if i don't know how i can 
> organize the structure of the dirs, iirc there is an automated tool but 
> i don't remember its name ).

As indicated above, I think you have to let the installer download
things even before this stage.

> >I'm CC:ing debian-boot@lists.debian.org in order to get advice from
> >the really knowledgeable people on this subject.
> I'll keep the address and i cc to.
> Thank you,

Note that I use Debian version testing/unstable
Linux emac140 2.6.16-1-686 #2 Thu May 4 18:22:23 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
Hans Ekbrand (http://sociologi.cjb.net) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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