On Wednesday 07 June 2006 00:29, David Härdeman wrote:
> I'd love to hear some comments on this approach.

One problem I see at first glance is one of translation: you cannot 
hardcode a string like "In use by LVM VG $vg" for $MESSAGE, unless you 
really want all translators (led by Christian) coming after you with a 
heavy cluebat...

Are there cases where there could be multiple locks on the same 
device/partition? The current code does not seem to support this.

The function names look potentially confusing too as (un)lock_device can 
be used for both devices and partitions.

Would it not be cleaner to also pass the partition as a parameter instead 
of using $id? Are you sure that will always be set correctly?

Is it correct that a device gets unlocked if there are partitions on it 
that are still locked (partitions other than the current one being 


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