On 24 Jun 2006 00:00:05 -0700 Tom May wrote:

> It would be great to have a cookbook, easily acessible from your home
> page, with quick recipes for installing various
> versions/architectures.

I pointed Tom to the d-i manual via PM and now his installation went
mostly fine (but installing stable now).

Maybe we want to add a more conspicuous note into the installer
(first screen or help page) that there is detailed documentation
about installation available (and where. Exact URL! Debian pages
can be voluminous to search)?

Otherwise this bug can be closed.


Forwarding Tom's mail to list:

To: Holger Wansing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bug#375178: Unsuccessful install of testing i386
Date: 25 Jun 2006 10:53:13 -0700
User-Agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

Thanks Holger.  Here's some more hopefully constructive feedback.
Some day I'd like to be able to recommend Linux to my mother-in-law

No, in all my wanderings I didn't find that page.  It's for the
"development version", so maybe I shouldn't expect it to be very
friendly, but it would really help someone like me if at the top of
the page it had a brief description of what the page and/or
Installation Guide was all about -- one or two sentences, so we'd
know whether we found what we were looking for, or should move on
and keep looking.  Something like "The Installation Guide provides
detailed, step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing
Debian.  It comes in different flavors for each architecture,
release, and language."

As it is, the description at the top of the page seems more suited
for people who already know what the Installation Guide is, and
quickly jumps into status and changes, which may be what developers
want to see, but it doesn't give much indication about whether
someone like me has come to the right page.

Now, you could say that I shouldn't be installing "testing" unless I
know what I'm doing and can deal with things like this, but for
someone wandering through the site, even for someone like me who's
been running Linux for 13 years and Debian for 8 (although I've run
off my "unstable" installs, from floppy/network, for the last 6
years so I haven't been to the site to pick up a new distro for a
while), anyway, for someone wandering through, it's hard to tell
whether we need to "deal with things", or whether we've found the
"cookbook", or whether we need to keep looking, or whether we maybe
need to use the Ubuntu install although I'd prefer raw Debian.

I eventually installed the stable version.  I still wasn't sure
whether installing from the binary-1 CD was correct, but the install
itself went reasonably enough, and after fixing the resolution of
my X server, the system is about 95% working and I'm using it right



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