Package: installation-reports

Installation on (OldWorld) PowerMac beige G3 (Gossamer) using miBoot floppies and netinst CDrom.


| Debian-installer-version: <Fill in date and from where you got the image>
| Debian etch daily powerpc netinst install CD iso dated "21-Jul-2006 01:57 166MB"

uname -a: <The result of running uname -a on a shell prompt>

| Linux debian 2.6.15-1-powerpc #2 Mon Mar 6 12:39:17 CET 2006 ppc GNU/Linux

Date: <Date and time of the install>

Jul 22 13:27 EDT

Method: How did you install? What did you boot off? If network install, from where? Proxied?

| Booted from miBoot floppy set at:
|    Index of /~wouter/d-i/powerpc-miboot/daily/powerpc/floppy
| [1]Name [2]Last modified [3]Size [4]Descripti
| on
| _______________________________________________________________
|  [DIR]  [5]Parent Directory        27-Jun-2006 22:08      -
|  [   ]  [6]boot.img                21-Jul-2006 11:28   1.4M
|  [   ]  [7]cd-drivers.img          21-Jul-2006 11:28   1.3M
|  [   ]  [8]net-drivers.img         21-Jul-2006 11:28   1.4M
|  [   ]  [9]ofonlyboot.img          21-Jul-2006 11:28   1.4M
|  [   ]  [10]root.img                21-Jul-2006 11:28   1.4M
|    ________________________________________________________
|     Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80

Machine: <Description of machine (eg, IBM Thinkpad R32)>

OldWorld PowerMac beige G3 (Gossamer)


| debian:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
| processor       : 0
| cpu             : 740/750
| temperature     : 39-41 C (uncalibrated)
| clock           : 300MHz
| revision        : 2.2 (pvr 0008 0202)
| bogomips        : 600.06
| machine         : Power Macintosh
| motherboard     : AAPL,Gossamer MacRISC
| detected as     : 48 (PowerMac G3 (Gossamer))
| pmac flags      : 00000000
| L2 cache        : 1024K unified pipelined-syncro-burst
| memory          : 384MB
| pmac-generation : OldWorld


debian:~# cat /proc/meminfo
| MemTotal:       385476 kB
| MemFree:         23988 kB
| Buffers:         37572 kB
| Cached:         235876 kB
| SwapCached:          0 kB
| Active:         194276 kB
| Inactive:       137832 kB
| HighTotal:           0 kB
| HighFree:            0 kB
| LowTotal:       385476 kB
| LowFree:         23988 kB
| SwapTotal:      296460 kB
| SwapFree:       296312 kB
| Dirty:              28 kB
| Writeback:           0 kB
| Mapped:          91444 kB
| Slab:            22596 kB
| CommitLimit:    489196 kB
| Committed_AS:   153752 kB
| PageTables:       1468 kB
| VmallocTotal:   596556 kB
| VmallocUsed:      4172 kB
| VmallocChunk:   591900 kB

Root Device: <IDE?  SCSI?  Name of device?>

| 6.4 GB IDE disk connected to the Mac's onboard IDE controller as master on second channel (/dev/hdc)

Root Size/partition table: Feel free to paste the full partition table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.

| debian:~# mac-fdisk -l /dev/hdc
| /dev/hdc
| # type name length base ( size ) system | /dev/hdc1 Apple_partition_map Apple 63 @ 1 ( 31.5k) Partition map | /dev/hdc2 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled 62501 @ 64 ( 30.5M) Linux native | /dev/hdc3 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled 11939454 @ 62565 ( 5.7G) Linux native | /dev/hdc4 Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap 592941 @ 12002019 (289.5M) Linux swap
| Block size=512, Number of Blocks=12594960
| DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0

| debian:~# df -ma
| Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
| /dev/hdc3                 5739      2394      3053  44% /
| proc                         0         0         0   -  /proc
| sysfs                        0         0         0   -  /sys
| usbfs                        0         0         0   -  /proc/bus/usb
| tmpfs                      189         0       189   0% /dev/shm
| devpts                       0         0         0   -  /dev/pts
| /dev/hdc2                   29        20         8  72% /boot
| /dev/hde6                 3000       396      2605  14% /MacOS
| tmpfs                       10         1        10   2% /dev

| debian:~# cat /etc/fstab
| # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
| #
| # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
| proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
| /dev/hdc3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
| /dev/hdc2       /boot           ext2    defaults        0       2
| /dev/hdc4       none            swap    sw              0       0
| /dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0
| /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0

Output of lspci and lspci -n:

debian:~# ( lspci -n ; lspci ) | sort
| 00:00.0 0600: 1057:0002 (rev 40)
| 00:00.0 Host bridge: Motorola MPC106 [Grackle] (rev 40)
| 00:0d.0 0200: 1186:1300 (rev 10)
| 00:0d.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc RTL8139 Ethernet (rev 10)
| 00:0e.0 0100: 1191:0009 (rev 06)
| 00:0e.0 SCSI storage controller: Artop Electronic Corp ATP865 (rev 06)
| 00:0f.0 0604: 3388:0021 (rev 13)
| 00:0f.0 PCI bridge: Hint Corp HB6 Universal PCI-PCI bridge (non- transparent mode) (rev 13)
| 00:10.0 Class ff00: Apple Computer Inc. Heathrow Mac I/O (rev 01)
| 00:10.0 ff00: 106b:0010 (rev 01)
| 00:12.0 0300: 1002:4754 (rev 9a)
| 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage I/ II 215GT [Mach64 GT] (rev 9a)
| 01:08.0 0c03: 1033:0035 (rev 41)
| 01:08.0 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 41)
| 01:08.1 0c03: 1033:0035 (rev 41)
| 01:08.1 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 41)
| 01:08.2 0c03: 1033:00e0 (rev 02)
| 01:08.2 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB 2.0 (rev 02)
| 01:0b.0 0c00: 104c:8020
| 01:0b.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB12LV26 IEEE-1394 Controller (Link)

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [e/o] note 1
Configure network HW:   [o]   note 2
Config network:         [o]
Detect CD:              [o]
Load installer modules: [o]
Detect hard drives:     [e/o] note 3
Partition hard drives:  [e/o] note 3
Create file systems:    [o]
Mount partitions:       [o]
Install base system:    [o]
Install boot loader:    [e]   note 4
Reboot:                 [o]   note 5


<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments and ideas you had during the initial install.>

| note 0:
| The network drivers image was too large to fit on a 1.4-meg floppy. I wrote as much as would fit, which seems to have been enough for this time around. See note 2 for more on this.
| Would it be possible to split the network drivers floppy into two pieces?
| note 1:
| Booting from the "ofonlyboot" floppy had video problems. The screen showed the tuxmac icon in normal colors while the boot floppy was read in. Then, at the end of reading the boot floppy, the colors went all wonky and the tuxmac icon (in funny colors) remained on the screen -- none of the expected text. On a hunch, I manually ejected (with a a straightened paperclip) the ofonlyboot floppy and inserted the root floppy, then hit return. It read the root floppy, but still did not go to a text screen. Just the funny colored tuxmac icon. Without a text mode screen I saw no point in proceeding. So...
| I rebooted and tried the "boot" floppy. The screen showed the normal tuxmac icon and when it finished loading, it changed to the text screen asking that I insert the root floppy. I had to manually eject the boot floppy and fed it the root floppy. After that things went pretty much as expected. Except, of course, for the fact that I still had to manually eject each of the floppies in order to feed it the next one.
| It's worth noting that the text screen, when present, is not perfect. Some columns flicker. On the whole it's readable, though. It would be really nice to be able to experiment with various video parameter settings on the kernel bootstrap command line. Maybe I could find one that was actually "right" for this particular machine. Even better would be if the ofonly boot floppy worked. That would be "right" (or at least not completely wrong) for all oldworld machines.
| note 2:
| I used the built-in 1- Mbit "bmac" ethernet interface. (Is that compiled-in to the kernel on the boot floppy? in any case, it worked.) Next time around I'll try to use the D-Link interface, which is faster (100 Mbit) But it may need to get it's driver from the missing part of the net drivers floppy...
| note 3:
| It detected both of my hard drives, but...
| When I went to the manual partition screen, it was missing all the partitions on my large disk (/dev/hde). I think this is related to another bug (Bug#378593: D-I partition manager unable to see one of two Macintosh partition tables) that I reported earlier with regards to this same machine.
| note 4:
| It refused to install the quik bootloader because it claimed "Root partition not on first disk". This must be some odd meaning of "first" that I'm not aware of. The boot partition is /dev/hdc2. The CD-drive is /dev/hda and there is no /dev/hdb. It seems to me that this makes /dev/hdc the first disk.
| note 5:
| In any case, I switched to "plan B" and finished the installation, then rebooted using BootX from MacOS9. Everything was more or less normal from here on.

Install logs and other status info is available in /var/log/debian- installer/.

| I'll hang onto the log files for a while. Let me know if you want to see them.

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