usertag 387877 alpha bc netboot boot etch-beta3

On Sunday 17 September 2006 10:41, Eki wrote:
> Comments/Problems:
> The last thing I tried, was CentOS 4.3 CD and it seemed to work just
> fine, so I do believe that there is something broken on Etch/Alpha
> with the Titan systems (ES45, DS25). I'm not a kernel hacker in any
> way, but it seems quite weird that even a self compiled kernel hangs
> on boot. Could it be that aboot is broken somehow, or the kernel
> is missing some patches that are required for ES45 support?

As already discussed on IRC, this indeed seems to be a kernel problem 
which means that the d-i team cannot really help here.
I understand that the issue has also been raised on the debian-alpha list, 
hopefully people there can help. Another option is to contact the 
upstream kernel maintainers for alpha.

Submitter noted on IRC that the system works correctly with and 
is currently trying older 2.6 kernels. Feel free to reassign or clone 
this report yourself (to linux-2.6) if you find more concrete information 
where/why the regression happened.


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