Package: installation-reports

Boot method: mini.iso
Image version: 2006-08-07
Date: 2006-09-18
Machine: Apple PowerMac G5 
Processor: ppc64
Memory: 2 GB
Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred>

Output of lspci and lspci -n:

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [x]
Configure network HW:   [x]
Config network:         [x]
Detect CD:              [x]
Load installer modules: [x]
Detect hard drives:     [x]
Partition hard drives:  [E]
Create file systems:    [x]
Mount partitions:       [x]
Install base system:    [x]
Install boot loader:    [x]
Reboot:                 [x]


The partition manager did not recognized my MacOS X partition table.
I installed MacOS X on a 20 GB partition before I started the Debian
So a dual-boot is not supported at the moment, if you already have MacOS
X installed.

Rest is fine. Bootup after installation is fine. 

Thanks a lot.


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