
I want to encrypt my whole debian installation (/, swap, everything) using loop-aes. Also, I want a software-raid1 for data security. As I will have at least a root and a home partition, I wanted to try the following using partman during the installation.

Create a raid-device, then, create a loop-aes loopback-device on top of that.
And finally, use LVM on top of that to create some logical volumes.

I nest the LVM stuff in the encrypted device so that I only have to enter the password once during the boot process. Sadly, this does not work. I can create the raid and loop-device on top, but then the installer does not allow me to put lvm into it, but only one normal partition (e.g. ext3).

I'm using the etch netinst cd downloaded some days ago, on a i386 platform.

A friend of mine succeded trying this using dm-crypt instead of loop- aes.

Is that a bug, or is it just not possible?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  Benjamin Franklin

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