Thanks very much for your response.

> You can open/close the sublists using + and -

I knew something had to be available, didn't try those keys, though.  It
would have tweaked if instead of a triangle there would have been a +.
This is a usability issue that can be improved by some way of getting
help, even generic help on keyboard equivalents to mouse commands, during
installation.  Or maybe changing the triangles to a +.

> Yes, sounds likely. The installer will have set up the system inside the 
> VM to UTC as it is probably the only OS inside the VM. It's pretty hard 
> to detect what a VM is running on :-P
> This is one usecase we have not reconned with.
> Just correct the UTC setting in /etc/default/rcS.

One of the first things I do in all my Debian installs is to install
ntp.  The installation already assumes internet connection, couldn't it
also by default install ntp-client and so reduce the need for time
information down to simply the timezone of the installation?  I know
that in the case of a VM there's the problem that the emulated CMOS may
not be writable, or at least remember the value that was written, but
that wouldn't matter much if ntp kept the time ticking along correctly.

[In general, the use of VM's is exploding in my sphere of work, and I
would suggest adding VM installations as a use case.  Using VM's I can
develop and even destructively test on many O/S's simultaneously on my
laptop with no need for network connections and without fear of
destroying stuff I need (if I'm careful).]

> I guess you mean during installation of packages from tasks? If so, that 
> is a known issue and the result of some packages still using an obsoleted 
> command to set the title.

Yes, I do mean that.  Time to issue usability bugs on the use of that
command.  :-)

Overall, great job.  I hope you don't mind these silly comments.  I was
responding to the general request for any d-i comments in .

 Peter Klavins

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