> This has certainly appened, *but* I have only see it happen with 
> downloads 
> of Sarge images as amd64 are not mentioned on the sarge pages (because it 
> was not a release arch). To the best of my recollection, I have never yet 
> seen this happen with Etch images.
me neither but from the posts on the debian forms i get the impression that 
those that are out of the loop don't try etch until after they have been told 
they don't have an ia64 chip and that this is likely to change after etch 
release. I also see a lot of posts about this that don't mention either etch or 
sarge explicitly in the initial post (and of course people immediately tell 
them to try amd64 etch so the question of which ia64 image they were using 
doesn't come up).

intel does not publicise the fact that they are now the cloners and amd the 
cloned so anyone who has been out of the techy loop for a while (or never been 
in it) is going to assume that amd64 is not going to run on an interl chip and 
anyone who has seen ia-32 used to reffer to 32 bit intel (not that uncommon). 
Also i belive there are many who won't remember macs are no longer powerpc.

> To prevent this an additional "note" about what to use with EM64T 
> processors could be useful. Or maybe a link "Confused about all these 
> images?" to a new page with a general overview of types of images and 
> arches would be good.
another alternative would be to structure the page so that it could accomodate 
a short comment on what each architecture was for alongside the links for each 

currently it seems for the stable releases there isn't even a download page as 
such, i just get directed to a folder on the mirror and left to find my own way 
from there.

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