On 09/01/2008, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Frans Pop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > You are also forgetting that quite a few strings with latin glyphs are
> > generated *at run time* (e.g. udeb names and descriptions in anna; file
> > systems and mount points; names of LVM volumes; time zones; ...) and you
> > really do not want the situation where some latin glyphs are taken from the
> > font from Amharic and some other latin glyphs are taken from DejaVu or
> > FreeSans.
> Also, one should remember that many strings displayed during D-I come
> from *outside* D-I (tasksel, iso-codes, debconf, apt, dpkg...).
> So, I don't really see how we could safely check whether these strings
> are covered by the stripped fonts.

via the mask-included range (e.g. include all of the amharic range for
the ttf-sil-abyssinica font)

> And, frankly, I think that the benefit in terms of memory space would
> be pretty small compared to the requirement of G-I anyway.

Most fonts include at least:
- the latin ranges (basic + latin A, in most cases)
- symbols like (and more) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]&*()_+{}:"?><,./;'[]=-`~   -   many
of these not used

Sometimes they contain other ranges, too, so I suspect it would be
something (remember "The udeb size goes from 220768 bytes to 183090
bytes"? ;-) .

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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