Frans Pop wrote:
> Well, what I see in questions.dat is that no value is assigned when 
> running at critical prio.
> I guess that "using the default" (which it in fact does) is not the same 
> as "using the first value that is highlighted in the list if the default 
> is not included in the list".
> When the question is shown the user explicitly selects the non-default 
> value, but at critical prio that never happens.
> That could be solved by
> - do a get for current default
> - do a metaget for the list
> - if not default in list, set first value from list as default
> but I really wanted to get other people's opinion on that before even 
> maybe trying to implement it myself.
> Possibly it is something that really should be solved at debconf level 
> instead.

The behavior you describe is different than debconf's behavior in the
same situaiton. Debconf will throw out the default value and pick the
1st value if the default is not in the select list. So yes, I think
there is a cdebconf bug here (cloning). And I think that bug should be
fixed, because it makes d-i more complex by making it behave
unnecessarily differently at different priorities.

It doesn't make sense to work around the cdebconf bug in choose-mirror
by implementing what cdebconf should do.

It doesn't make sense to have a default *at all* if the
Mirrors.masterlist can be updated to drop the default mirror at any

Also, the default was only ever used for US. Seem like the (null) bug
could have occurred even before was broken, when
installing in another country.

So I'm very much leaning toward dropping the default, and letting
cdebconf default to the first mirror in the select list. And possibly
improving the sorting of the select list if necessary.

see shy jo

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