2) the comprehensibility of our OS names to the pubic.

   And it does not necessarily address how there can be multple
   versions of these when you differentiate by the libc used as well.

   I think sticking closer to the original idea of Debian GNU/KNetBSD
   is actually the way to go, but perhaps the punctuation is what needs
   tweaking. I know the first time I saw the uppercase K it immediately
   made me think of KDE. For whatever reason this is what immediately
   comes to mind when ever I see a uppercase K infront of an otherwise
   familar name. And now the Gnome community has also started in the
   practice of taking things that started with K to imply KDE and
   putting a G infront instead[1].

   What I propose to solve this is to lowercase the K. I think Debian
   GNU/kNetBSD reads a little better. It takes the emphasis off the k.
   And when adding the l for libc as well, Debian GNU/klNetBSD. Another
   option may also be putting the k/l after the BSD. Debian GNU/NetBSDk
   and Debian GNU/NetBSDkl.

If you want to go that way, why don't we distinguish between userland, libc and kernel in the name. Debian GNU/Linux currently means GNU userland and libc with a Linux kernel. This is fine for Debian GNU/Linux as we don't use other userlands or libc's with the linux kernel (AFAIK). But for *BSD this becomes a problem as userland is not necessarily the same as libc. I would propose the a naming standard of Debian Userland/Libc/Kernel, e.g. Debian GNU/GNU/NetBSD or Debian GNU/NetBSD/NetBSD. It may look a little strange, but it serves its purpose. This way the name is also specific as to what the NetBSD section refers to, which in a way would be a statement of fact.

My 2c worth


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