On 20.05.2013 08:56, Petr Salinger wrote:
> - packaging-only or full content
>   I strongly prefer packaging-only.
> - one common repository x repository per package
>   I slightly prefer one common.

Note that git unlike svn does not really like check-outs of paths only
within a repository. Hence, if we end up with a single repository having
only debian/ in it, development becomes even more of a pity as it is

This is because we would either need to clone the full repository and
somehow get the debian/ into the source code (using links or so?), or
alternatively copy the upstream code to glibc-bsd.git/$package/ and have
lots of .gitignore magic. Both does not sound appealing if you ask me.
Or at least, not better than the status quo.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
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