On Thu Aug 15, 2024 at 3:46 PM CEST, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> On 15/08/2024 at 08:26, Holger Wansing wrote:
> > Am 15. August 2024 00:47:22 MESZ schrieb Diederik de Haas 
> > <didi.deb...@cknow.org>:
> >>
> >> I'm not 100% sure if this fits into this subject/discussion, but ...
> It is beyond the original scope (partition size limits) and I believe it
> would deserve its own discussion involving people who are familiar with
> ARM platforms.


> Disclaimer: I have no experience nor knowledge about ARM (or any other
> architectures than x86) and its boot process.

For partitioning there's nothing special ... apart that the first 16MiB
should not be used.

> >> The U-Boot bootloader is normally put in the first part of the boot
> >> device and for Rockchip based devices that can extend to the 16MB
> >> 'mark'. AFAIK bootloaders for other SoCs are before that.
> >>
> >> If you use the current recipes you end up with an unbootable system as
> >> the U-Boot bootloader get overwritten with the / (root) partition and
> >> the data on it.
> AFAICS, the first partition in all non-EFI ARM recipes is /boot, not /.

I shouldn't have written which partition, but the important thing is
that the first 'real' partition starts at 16 MiB.

> >> Right now, the instruction is to choose manual partitioning and create
> >> a 16MB partition ([1] says 32MB, but it should be 16MB [2]) and then the
> >> normal partitions and after that you could remove that partition again.
> >> And if you type in 16MB, then you need to 'hope' that it is actually
> >> 16MB and not something (a bit) smaller.
> 16 MB (~15.3 MiB) or 16 MiB (~16.8 MB) ?
> In partman, 1 MB really means 10^6 bytes, not 1 MiB (2^20 bytes).

I think I've actually tried both and IIRC that didn't make a difference.

> >> So it would be very helpful if the recipe(s) for ARM devices would
> >> reserve the first 16MB automatically with plain partitioning.
> What do you mean exactly by "plain partitioning" ? Manual partitioning ?
> Guiding partitioning with all files in one filesystem ? Other ?

Partitioning NOT involving LVM.
I 'jumped in' when the subject of creating blank/reserved partitions
with LVM and then the question arose if that should also be used for
"plain" partitioning, which I interpreted as not using LVM.

> >> [1] https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/ROCK64_Software_Releases#Debian
> >> [2] https://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_Partitions
> I do not know any way to reserve unallocated space in recipes. The
> recipes could create a 16-MiB unused partition but the table in [2]
> lists a lot of special partitions within the first 16 MiB. Are these
> actual partitions ? If yes, how are they supposed to be created ?

I think you technically could create those partitions, but those are not
relevant. All that matter is that the first 16 MiB stay unused so that
U-Boot can be put there.

> > Looks like another incarnation of
> > <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=+770666>
> It looks like a different issue to me. IIUC these bug reports are about
> parted_server erasing the boot loader location when creating a new
> partition table, not the first partition overlapping with the boot
> loader location.

AIUI bug #770666 is the same/similar as this 'Rockchip' issue.
Bug #751704 OTOH is related, but does deal with problems wrt partition
table. But I don't know/understand which of parted* sub programs is
responsible for which part.


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