On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 02:20:11AM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On 19/8/24 1:40 AM, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > I don't think riseup-vpn does anything differently for phosh/plasma.
> > IIRC you reported a bug once that it was not working on phosh and it was 
> > fixed
> > later.
> The default theme could be different on both.

What error do you get with phosh?

> > > It works fine on my laptop as well. It also worked fine on mobian 
> > > bookworm.
> > 
> > If it works fine on bookworm then that means something to do with QT6.
> I think so too.

You could give a try with the riseup-vpn package backported on bookworm. It uses
QT6 but it does work.

> > > It could be because the qt 6 transition is half way. riseup-vpn is linked
> > > against qt6, but one of its dependencies may be missing a dependency on
> > > breeze which might be pulled in by plasma-desktop but not mobile?
> > 
> > Likely. It has some qml6 plugins that might have some issue w/ 
> > plasma-desktop
> > on mobian trixie?
> > 
> > Breeze is the default theme for plasma-desktop.
> > 
> > Unfortunately the screenshot does not give any useful information. Usually 
> > it
> > highlights the line number in the qml file where it chokes which is not the 
> > case
> > here.
> > 
> > > Though other KDE apps like KDE connect, partition manager, discover and
> > > settings work fine.
> > 
> > OK, I checked 2 of these.
> > 
> > KDE connect still uses qt5 QML plugins, cf: 
> > https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/kdeconnect/-/blob/master/debian/control?ref_type=heads#L40
> > 
> > By discover, I am assuming you mean plasma-discover, which also uses 
> > qt5/qml5, cf: 
> > https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/plasma-discover/-/blob/master/debian/control?ref_type=heads#L42
> > 
> > Do you think you can try to install discover or some other kde software 
> > which uses
> > qt6? (maybe from experimental if it installs for you)
> > You might get same/similar error with the same.
> I added unstable and experimental to sources.list and installed
> qml6-module-org-kde-breeze
> This failed with another missing dependency on kirigami, after installing
> qml6-module-org-kde-kirigami, I can start riseup-vpn but it just shows a
> progress bar forever.

I don't see a dependency of both. Likely originating from a dep.

> $ riseup-vpn
> No systray icon available.
> qml: flavor: riseup-vpn
> QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
> qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal
> QPlatformNativeInterface::systemTrayWindowChanged(QScreen*)
> 2024/08/19 02:14:30 Client expects anon auth
> 2024/08/19 02:14:30 Checking for updates...
> 2024/08/19 02:14:31 Fetching MOTD for riseup.net
> qml: delay...
> 2024/08/19 02:14:34 There are 4 pending messages
> 2024/08/19 02:14:34 firewall stop

Can you confirm that this is no ISP issue for you and you are able to hit
riseup-vpn endpoints just fine?

Seems it is hung on stopping the firewall. You might also want to run it with:

$ SKIP_MOTD=1 riseup-vpn

to avoid waiting for MOTD end point to respond. Is OpenVPN working fine?
It spawns 2 goroutines to get gateways etc but I don't see even that in the log

> and screenshot
> May be upstream has not tested with qt6 yet?

it works with qt6. maybe something to do with ongoing transition? However this
seems to happen just on mobile but works on desktop for you so I am unsure.


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