Adding one more data point and answering a common question.

qemu-user-static should be provided by new qemu-user-binfmt package,
not by new qemu-user package.  Because old qemu-user-static BOTH
provided the binaries AND did an automatic registration of the binfmts.
Since new qemu-user-binfmt obviously depends on qemu-user, both will
be pulled in, and everything will work for people who used to install
qemu-user-static (when it isn't transitional anymore).

Why not keep qemu-user-static to be the main package, instead of moving
binaries to qemu-user?  Because this way, it is difficult to split
binfmt registration out of it, and this one needs to be optional in
a few contexts.  Also, `qemu-user` name is nicer than `qemu-user-static`.
Yes, people got used to the -static name, - see above for the work-


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