Package: xfig Version: 3.2.5-alpha5-3 This version doesn't seem to be able to handle a private colormap anymore.
In former times, when leaving the xfig window the other colormap was restored, but when moving the focus into the xfig window the private xfig colormap was set. This only works with the 'Error messages' box anymore but not with the main canvas window. Version 3.2.3.d-rel-6 was the last I found this feature working. Hmm, but this version is from May 2002. I guess that some other factor is contributing to this problem, but I have no idea which one. I'm pretty sure that I've worked with 3.2.5 before as well. However this version now has a) problems with a private colour map and b) doesn't accept my Fig file anymore or rather the settings wrt grid_color and canvasbackground. Regards, Joey -- Unix is user friendly ... It's just picky about its friends. Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]