Am 2005-01-16 20:47:21, schrieb Mathieu Roy:
> Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tapota :

> > This is a protection for innocent $USER.
> > I do not allow any Messages comeing from DUL.
> On what basis? Who the hell ever decided that people behind dynamic ip
> are not entitled to run an smtp server?

You can not check for legitimate sender...
No reverse lookup and many things more...

> What you call "protection" already harmed "innocent $USER" on some
> mailing list run on server I administrated, because we realized to
> late that these DUL tests could raison the spam level indicator of
> mail high enough to get these mails rejected.

Most SPAMs comin from DUL containing only a Link and 3-8 Words.
In most castes not enough for spamassassin to get the SPAM.
Using DUL with 1.7 get the SPAM.

> >   ___( '/home/michelle.konzack/.spamassassin/user_prefs' )______________
> >  /
> > | score RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL 0.1
> > | score RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL 0.1
> >  \______________________________________________________________________
> Sure, the problem at stake here is the fact that the default settings
> are so high.

Why ?  -  You are the only one.

I know several 100 times more $USER which are penetrated by DUL-SPAM.
So it is much easier for you to change the settings as the others.

This is an experience.

> I talk about freedom to run an smtp server, you talk about your
> experience of spamassassin. Off-topic.

Your freedom = Accepting SPAM

> Huu, you already received two! My messages are sent directly, even if
> I'm not behind a dynamic ip.

No, I get only the Messages from BTS  :-)
You do not need to CC me, because I am subscribed to "spamassassin"
which I am, beside other packages, monitoring.

> Mathieu Roy


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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