Package: sysfsutils
Version: 1.2.0-1

The init script for sysfsutils isn't so hot.  Please consider the
attached patch.

Jamie Heilman           
"...thats the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle
 into a lion's mouth and flicking his lovespuds with a wet towel, pure
 insanity..."                                           -Rimmer
--- ./sysfsutils.bash   2005-01-17 00:54:46.000000000 -0800
+++ ./sysfsutils        2005-01-18 01:24:36.000000000 -0800
@@ -13,20 +13,12 @@
        echo -n "Setting sysfs variables..."
-       sed  -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' /etc/sysfs.conf | (
-           while read line; do
-               key=${line%=*}
-               key=${key//./\/}
-               key=${key// /}
-               val=${line#*=}
-               if [ -f $MNTPATH/$key ]; then
-                   echo $val > $MNTPATH/$key
-               else
-                   echo "unknown attribute $key"
-               fi
-           done
-       )
+       awk -v S="$MNTPATH" '
+           BEGIN { FS="[ \t]*=[ \t]*" }
+           $0 ~ /^[ \t]*(#|$)/ { next }
+           system("test -f "S"/"$1) == 0 { print $2 > S"/"$1; next }
+           { print "unknown attribute "$1 }
+       ' "$CONFFILE"
        echo "done."

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