El día 18/01/2005 a 12:49 Moray Allan escribio ...

> The lletters package description warns, "THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE, use it
> at your own risk."  However, the upstream download site at
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lln/ does not list any new releases
> since June 2000. 
> Is the program still being maintained upstream?  It seems likely that
> either the warning should be removed from the package description (if
> it's no longer true), or the package should be removed from the 
> archive (if the warning is serious, but the program is no longer
> maintained).

Upstream seems MIA although there was some people
working/contributing, which patches I've incorporated to the package.
Program has been worked out for several people and IMHO one can't
label it alpha anymore, so I'm going to remove that warning in next


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