* Lawrence Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-01-19 17:36]:
> I closed the bug because I was unable to reproduce it using the latest 
> version of the package and Debian unstable. Is your system up-to-date?

 Yes, it is. In sarge. I updated to the latest sdl packages from
unstable though (although they swept over to sarge today ;)).

> I am packaging a new upstream version of SDL and let you try it out :)

 Would be nice, yes. I have no problem with testing it.

 I don't really know where the problem might lie: I have no other
program running that accesses the /dev/dsp and /etc/libao.conf is (just
in case it is used) set to oss appropriately. It is really just with sdl
apps, all other things have no problem giving me sound (xmms,
mp3blaster, flash in firefox, xblast, ...).

Nachdem es SuSE nun endlich geschafft hat, Linux so sehr zu verunstalten, daß
es schlechter als Windows ist, bootet es nun also sogar schon auf der Hardware
von Microsoft.
 -- realborg zu <http://futurezone.orf.at/futurezone.orf?read=detail&id=129360>

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